Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Homeward Bound

It will always be home...But contrary to the saying, it is not where my heart is.  My heart is with Chris in this new life we are building together.  I cannot say that where we live now is home to me...It is still too new, and I am busy trying to add bits of myself so that every time I come back to it I recognize it.

Tomorrow I officially turn 40.  I have been living on the edge of it for a while now, but tomorrow is the official date and time.  It is fitting then that we take a long weekend and go back to Riverton to spend some time with my folks.  I haven't been back since April, and I am looking forward to the visit.  I have no anxieties about it except that my husband will not enjoy himself, but I am certain my dad will keep him from getting too bored, as boredom is a disease avoided at all costs in my family.

I am busy wrapping things up today, getting ready to take our dogs to a place we like to leave them when we go away.  We trust them, and they care about the animals they take care the price is right...So just a few more things....laundry and the rest of a paper to finish for my doctoral class...and I will be ready.  It will be nice to get out of town for a bit.  Chris has been on call a lot this summer, so we have been staying close to home.

Nothing lofty to add today...Just busy living.


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