Friday, July 15, 2011

Fractious 40

This is my favorite pool player.  Doesn't he look like he means business?  And he does!  He is rather good at the game.  I, on the the other hand, am not so much.  The imbalance is okay.  I go as a middle aged cheerleader with a Diet Pepsi in one hand and my fascination for people watching in the other.

I would like to get better at the game.  I think it is good that we have things in common we like to do, and I could get better at the game if I applied myself a bit more.  I just don't apply myself.  That is unlike me.  Generally when I invest in doing something I do it the best I can, but I find the predominant emotion I experience lately, doing most anything, is frustration.  And that impedes my ability to enjoy.  It's too hot, there are too many people, I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm too full...You name it and it's what I'm heralding as a reason for my frustration.

True, I have bipolar, and it would naive of me to think I have gone through all the changes I have undergone of late without any noise from the insanity section of my world.  I don't know, maybe I am just this fractious person who can't seem to settle, to find any comfort, and who cannot focus long enough to play a game of friggin' pool!

The new 8 Ball season starts this fall, and I am wanted on a team, thanks to my hubby's cousin, who is more like a brother in law than a cousin to me.  But as things go, I know there are balls on the table, that they are supposed to STAY on the table or go into the holes.  I know how to hold the cue stick, though my chest seems to impede good form, and I'm supposed to always hit the white ball first.  I cannot say that I have smoothly transitioned through all those prerequisites with any level of success, really.

So, I have to ask myself what it is that I'm really wanting to do.  I have always been a hobby person.  I take after my dad in that I have to produce.  I like to work with my hands, so in theory, pool should be right up my alley (pardon the bowling metaphor...I do know the difference between the two games).  Time (and practice) will tell if I am able to learn enough to be on a team.  My big concern through all of this is that I don't seem to want to do anything much, and I'm really bitchy a majority of the time so I can't blame it on pms...Well I can, but is that really fair?

I am off to the chiropractor who I'm hopeful will eliminate some of the chronic pain I experience with a ruptured disc and a neck that tends to bend the wrong direction due to too much time working on the computer.  On the way home I shall stop to see if my new glasses are ready so I can see where I am going and who exactly I am going with.  Maybe as I am collecting pieces for improved health there is something I can attach that will help me play pool better...Or maybe the glasses will help.  Either way, this 40 thing is not bringing out the graceful aspects of my nature...See how I did that...I just blamed it all on 40...Perfect!