Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The 21st of August

Today is procrastination day...I guess.  I should be working on the rewrite of my Chapter One for my dissertation.  But, alas, I have been doing everything but for the past couple of hours.  I am awaiting clarification from my Chair on some comments he provided, but mostly I'm just not into it.

Today is the one year anniversary of the passing of one of my dearest friends in high school.  It seems surreal.  And coupled with the death of my uncle this past weekend, I find I am at emotional loose ends today.  So as I sit here staring out my living room window, I find I am longing for something...Something I cannot define.  And is it necessary to define every little thing?  I confess that as a psychologist, I study compulsions and behaviors in others and in me like one does to solve a great mystery.  But I think it is balancing to sometimes just accept I'm in a particular place, experiencing an emotion that I may be unable to define, and that it just is what it is...undefinable.

So I'm going to take a deep breath...Inhale and exhale...And I'm going to do this day in increments with as much grace towards myself and all I am in contact with as possible.  So, here I go...