Today I began plans to paint my bedroom. Well, I slapped a bit of paint on the wall to see if it would have the effect I had hoped for. It didn't. So now what? My husband is choosing denial over the pinkish color now staining a part of our bedroom wall...and I am inclined that direction as well.
I could come up with a deeper meaning here...What I often think will happen, or what I think will happen often turns out or looks quite different once it is put up on the wall to see. And what happens when the road taken is turns out to not be quite the result expected? After all, much of life does not go quite the way we expect doesn't it? And is that a bad thing?
For my part, I am glad the "paint" hasn't been quite what I expected. The results have manifested in me a greater person, one less selfish and more able to empathize with others. And while my original dreams have not necessarily created the life I had imagined, I am richer in so many ways for the deviation.
I am not sure what to do about the pink walls...Well, they are actually a purple, lavender, violet color. But I am going to go with it...See what an entire wall looks like with the trim painted the way I want...And we shall see. A lesson for life? Maybe...I am waiting on some of the plans I have painted to finish up...And then, yes, we shall see.
How did it turn out? Keep or repaint?
Jury is still out...Haven't finished it, but so far we are both liking it :)
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