Friday, July 22, 2011


Well I'm officially 40...Now what?  They say 40 is the new 30...Someone was in some serious denial when he or she came up with that one.  But, I'm okay with 40 being 40.  I'm okay with letting the past go, having taken all from it I can, I'm willing to throw out the husk and move one. 

Chris and I have been making our way to Riverton for the weekend, and yesterday as we were talking as we embraced tho open road and freedom from the daily grind, it dawned on me that the thing I have gained through simply aging ever year to this point is perspective.  I am a person who tends to live in the moment, but what I have discovered is that I now look forward a bit in my decisions.  I tend to pause before jumping in, and I reflect on things much more seamlessly than I once did.  I think that wisdom is comprised of so many things and can be added to with living.

I am not interested in living backward.  My 30's served their purpose, but I am happy to be in my 40's, moving through another aspect of life and all that it entails.  God grant me the grace for whatever comes my way.