Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Tale of Three Terriers

This is Dexter.  As I have shared before he is a little westie doggie, and for once, in this picture, he is clean!

THIS little bundle of joy is Patch...See any similarities?  My folks got a little westie, so it is "show and tell time"...

This is little Patch all tuckered out...

And THIS is my little Dexter dog all tuckered out.  Hmmm.  Maybe it's a westie thing...?

This is Oliver keeping watch over Patch while he sleeps like a little bat...Ollie is a very special dog.  He is a Westcott or Scoland terrier, and when Mom, Dad, and I moved to Wyoming he saved our sanity.  I have shared this before but when we moved we had a little yorkie/shizu named Cooper.  Almost immediately after we moved in he was killed by the neighbors two dogs.  It was pretty horrible.  Worried that we would have such a terrible memory of our new house, I went on the hunt for a puppy-one that was different than Cooper so as not to try to replicate...And this is what I found.

I love Ollie...He saved us in many ways, and he is so smart, stubborn, and strong.  Mom and Dad added Patch as a little friend for Ollie, and they enjoy one another...

both playing...

AND napping!

As for little Dexter dog...Well...

He has this lovely lass, Dixie

...And when she's busy...

He has me.  :) 

The end :)