Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Change...is Good!

To all those who read my blogs...First I want to say a big “THANK YOU” for sharing in my ramblings.  Second, I want to update you on some changes I have been making. 

The blog format I am using is limiting. I wanted to have more possibilities for my work than just a one page blog.  I have a lot of work I have been unable to post, simply because of the volume, so I am in the process of creating a new website.  It is up and running, albeit, in the beginning stages.  If you can hang with me, I think it will be bigger and better than what I have been doing. 

My husband, who is a software developer was going to help me with the website, but he forgot he is starting school along with the 50-70 hours a week he works, so it is left to me to get things going...And I am NOT an IT person.  I’m more of an idiot savant in life.  I have a few areas of brilliance, and the rest I don’t even come close to elevated levels of intelligence, website building being one of them. :)

BUT, as I am always professing, new learning is how the brain continues to build pathways and how it keeps from developing dementia later on in life.  So, I’m learning as I go.

For now, I will be throwing a lot of content about bipolar disorder on the site, as I clean out my stores of content, but I will also be adding blogs on dealing with mental health in the familial unit, as well as my usual pontifications you read on this blog.  I know there are already formatting issues and I’m not real crazy about the website theme, but it’s a start and I will get all the bugs worked out as I go. 
My hope is to consolidate what I am doing to one hub, and that would be my website.  I have a new page on facebook called Live Mental, for those of you who have not seen it, but my main thing here is to drive towards my website.

I have put out feelers over the past few months to my Facebook peeps about putting together a book and also about getting into doing online forums, and I really need a website as a base for all that I want to do.  

So strap in with me and we will get through this initial bumpy ride.
